
Animal Farm) Question 3

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main characters in the novel are Napoleon, Snowball, Boxer, and Squealer. I will describe each character by their role in the novel and what do they represent in our society each character’s special features and whether I like them or not.

Napoleon: He is a direct model of Joseph Stalin, the Soviet dictator. He uses military force, which is his attack dogs, to threat other animals. He seems to not show any interest in the strength of Animal Farm itself, only in the strength of his power over it. The only thing he does with enthusiasm is training dogs. He doesn’t teach them for their own good or for everyone, but rather for his own good. Also I dislike Napoleon based on these qualities.

Snowball: The pig who challenges Napoleon for control of power of Animal Farm. As a character of Leon Trotsky, Snowball is clever, ambitious, and less cunning than Napoleon. When his zealous projects such as building the windmill was informed, he seems to get the allegiance of the other animals. However, this too much idealistic imagination leads him to the corruption of position where Napoleon will be standing later on the story. If I would have chance to choose a leader between Napoleon and Snowball, I would rather choose Snowball.

Boxer: He is a huge horse and described the most sympathetically in the novel. He has a strong faith to Napoleon. When he pitifully dies, it was a result of pigs’ betrayal. I felt so sad when he died at a glue factory, because I thought he was the only one who can really work for the Animal Farm. I hardly found Boxer as a favorite character (because the characters were described very outward features). I think this was the symbolism how this kind of class in society lives; the author uses Boxer to represent working classes.

Squealer: A very clever pig, who always announces to the other animals everything Napoleon wants him to tell. I don’t like Squealer because he always obeys to Napoleon’s order, I want to know if he really obeys his leader inside of him or if he is just pretending to be obey.

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