
Animal Farm) Question 2

Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

Anyone who read Animal Farm certainly gets to know that the story is satirized from Russian Revolution. In the nowadays, North Korea has a connection with this situation based on the basic elements that made up this novel. From now on, let me discover some similarities for both government systems: Soviet Union and North Korea. First of all, both countries have a communist government system. The dictator Kim Jung-Il has a power to control the country. Also in the novel, Napoleon, who can symbolize as Stalin, controls the entire Animal Farm. On the other hand, they have in common when they take crops that people had gained by working terribly hard. In North Korea, thousands of people are dying of hunger even right now. But the government doesn’t seem to care about it at all. This situation makes me to think of a passage that I had read from book (Kareel, Jamison. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. FL: HCI Teens, 1997. p.1): ‘All kinds of relationships are like sand in your hand. If you hold loosely, the sand remains where it is. But if you close your hand and squeeze tightly, you will loose some of sand. A relationship is like that.’ This quote exactly applies to current events in the world, actually applies to anytime and anywhere in the world. According to this passage, the author of Animal Farm wanted to give the message the readers about power. If you hold too tightly your power, you will loose it, and eventually it can cause to bring corruption. Also North Korea was famous in the recent time, for it the issues of nuclear weapon whether to use it or not. It had made other countries nervous and they threatened by nuclear weapon. It is like Napoleon whom tries to threaten the other animals by his military force. I think the novel shed light on the current situations to be resolved. As I mentioned, it gives message how to use power.

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